Friday, May 15, 2009

Bikya . . .

Hey guys. Sorry for the long absence. Here's a story from this last week . . .

So, we have some guys here who ride around the city with carts on the front of their bikes. They're called "robobikya" men. Basically, they will take anything that you don't want that they think they can fix and sell to someone else. They'll take stuff that seems absolutely worthless as long as they think they can make some money off of it. They ride around at all hours of the day and night, and are usually yelling the word "bikya" at the top of their lungs. After a while you get used to them. Anyway, a couple of days ago I was walking to class in the morning. I had just gotten up, and wasn't really awake yet. I heard "bikya," so I looked up to look for the robobikya guy. The only person I could see on the street was a lady pushing a baby in a stroller. The robobikya guy was around the corner, so I could hear him but not see him. In my confused morning state, it took me a minute to figure out what was going on. I kept trying to reconcile the lady pushing the baby with "bikya." My first thought was, "Oh my God, did someone just sell their child?" Not sure if it seems funny now, but it was hilarious when it happened!

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